Monday, June 29, 2020

First day of lifting seems too... easy?

Hi, I'm an 18 year old girl who's started lifting weights after losing a lot of weight this year! I want my body to be leaner and more toned instead of being skinny fat like I am now.

So today I started lifting. I've looked up a lot and read a lot about it, and even looked up recommended beginner routines. The writer even said the beginner routine was evidence based and may seem too easy but it's perfect for beginners. So I started doing these workouts 3 times a week, with abs and cardio in the weekends.

But after the workouts I felt sore and a little weak in my legs and arms, but felt like with enough rest I could go again! But apparently that's not recommended? I want to see progress but it just doesn't feel like I did enough to feel it. Keep in mind I'm really weak in my upper body so I didn't think it should feel like this.

Here's the routine I wrote out for today for the people interested. This is workout A which I have to do twice this week (monday and friday, workout B on wednesday):

Squats with 2 kg weights: 3 sets of 10 reps Bench presses with only the bar: 3 sets of 10 Rows with only the bar: 3 sets of 10 Calf raises: 2 sets of 12.

I felt strong enough to do 5 sets of everything except for the calf raises, I did 4 of those I believe. And still I think I could do more! I don't know if I should lift heavier as I'm absolutely dying during the workouts after like 8 reps and it takes me a lot of strength to finish it, it's just that afterwards I feel energetic enough to go again.

Keep in mind that I'm an absolute beginner and don't know anything about this. If you all think I'm overdoing it even though I feel like I'm not, then I'll listen to that and refrain from doing it again. I just want to know if I'll progress with what I'm doing now.

Thanks a lot!

submitted by /u/andrlon
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* This article was originally published here

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