Monday, January 13, 2020

Are 7 hours of cardio a week "OK"?

I'm returning to fitness after falling off the wagon. Honestly the only thing I care about is cardio. Weight loss is a nice side benefit since it makes it lighter on my knees, but my main goal is simply getting enough cardio in. So I started a C25K program like many do then kept going to a 10K goal. I'm now up to 55 min runs.

I looked at the r/c25k faq. I know it's not gospel, but two answers stuck out to me:

Should I skip rest days?

No. Assuming a M/W/F running schedule, T/Th/S/Su should be observed rest days. These are your sabbath days of running. Upper body work, cross training, and calisthenics are all okay during three of these days.

Can I reduce the number of rest days between weeks?

Yes, instead of having 2 rest days between weeks, it's fine to reduce it to only one.

OK... all clear so far. In any month I can choose to run on all the odd numbered days and "cross train" on all the even numbered days. This is exactly what I do. So, right now, I run for ~55 min on odd days and swim for ~55 min (don't judge) on even days.

I feel fine and my heart rate stays in the correct band for my (advancing / M49) age. Despite all of this my fitness tracker is chastising me continually for doing too much anaerobic cycles. Perhaps it's just an overly concerned AI. But I feel I should check myself.

Is a monthly budget of 60 miles terrestrial and 30 miles aquatic too much?

submitted by /u/brianddk
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* This article was originally published here

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