Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cardio days inbetween strength training reasonable?


to keep it short: Had a very long break from sports and decided to get back into mountainbiking after returning to football (aka soccer) isn't really an option for me now.

To prep myself I started with simple things at the gym, had to take a break because somebody hit my leg quite hard during a casual round of football with colleagues and then being ill afterwards...

So I pretty much had a fresh start again, two days ago, and also decided to try another routine cause of time issues where I split strength and cardio completely and therefore hopefully get more training in a week with 6 days instead of 3 dedicated days.

My goal is to have 3 days of full body workout with a bit of leg every session = either squat or lunges + deadlift and then rest of body with core focus. I was planning to do cardio days inbetween starting with basic conditioning for 30-60 minutes so not too intense, bike will be like 150 Watt with 80-90 rpm if my memory is right or treadmill with 10km/h pace (prolly gonna start with 8 to not be too rough on my ankles due to past issues like torn ligaments).

A month ago I started out with doing bit of "full body", but no legs and finish my workout with 30 minutes of biking which was ok but it took some time to finish and that's gonna be the issue now why I wanna split it like that. My only concern is the regeneration, especially being untrained for now. I just had my first full body routine, including the leg excersises, two days ago and I think with some luck I could jump on the bike today but no chance I'm gonna be able to do any legs today like I should in theory.

For now it's mainly an issue of me being that untrained that I might have overdone it (combination of too little pauses during my kettleball lunges and maybe bit too much weight aswell) but nontheless I wonder if it's reasonable to do 3x strength, 3x cardio and 1x rest in a week with a regime like that where I have leg excersies on every strength session/day

Goal was something like that:

Mo: Strength
Tue: Cardio (constant 150W)
Wed: Strength
Thu: Cardio (constant 150W)
Fri: Strength
Sat: Cardio (interval, 150W / 200W)
Sun: Rest

I hope to get there in 1-2 months but I don't know if it's completely overkill especially from where I'm starting. I pretty much had a similiar routine when I was playing football actively where instead of strength workout I/we had our usual training with the team and inbetween I was doing my cardio or even went mountainbiking and 2 matches on a weekend weren't unusual at some point (like saturday 90 minutes in my team and 90 minutes on a sunday as a sub for the second team of the older group).

What would some of you more experienced gym goers say to that? My regime during my active football time was much more cardio heavy so I can't really judge by experience nor do I have the knowledge to say this is gonna be wise even though I'd say 30 minutes 150W isn't that stressful so far and will only get easier I suppose. But over a longer time with that plan it might be troublesome?!

submitted by /u/Ragnus
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* This article was originally published here

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