Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Couple Beginner Questions


even though I've read through the Wiki I still have some questions left, so I hope I'm not going to get lynched for those since I don't really have any idea where else to ask.

Few infos to my person:

180cm - ~77kg - male - 22 y/o. Besides playing tabletennis twice per week I'm not really activate and spend most of my time in front of a PC (work related).

The main reasons I signed up for the gym are because

  • Improve my endurance so I won't have to heavy breath after 3 stairs anymore

  • Build up some muscles since my upper body looks pretty skinny

However, there's already my first question. As I've said my uper body looks really slim and skinny, meanwhile I have a good amount of fat stored around my tights / butt area, which looks extremely weird from the side view.

The wiki page answers the question "bulk or cut" while being "skinny fat" with eating at a surplus and rather focus on bulking than cutting. I've always thought that when building up muscels you automatically lose some of your fat as a positive side effect, isn't that the case? I really don't wanna walk around with my fat ass any longer, don't want to get much skinnier than I already am either tho.

Next question would be concerning eating habits. After checking out around 1.000 different pages looking for a decent eating plan I've realized that everybody says something else. My current plan simply has been to completely cut away chocolate and other sweets, as well as reduce my visits to McDonalds / Pizzahut / Burgerking to max once per week, while starting to eat more vegetables / fruits / nuts / fish / rice / chicken to consume more protein than I used to until now.

I don't want to look like a super model, I simply want to improve my current apperance (which I can still always improve later on), so is it really necessary to count every single calorie? My planed eating habbits definitely can be improved, but shouldn't the changes I plan on doing compared to my current eating habbits already be enough to get visual improvements?

Also, how often is it suggested to hit the Gym as a beginner? Sometims I've read people suggesting 3-4 times, but I've also read 2 times per week the first couple of weeks will do the job. Basically my plan has been to hit the gym 3-4 times a week, but after my first day and the resulting aching I've had the next 2 days kinda suggest already that twice per week in the beginning should be enough unless I want to get injured.

Last question is concerning my workout plan. Basically the guy I've spoken to in the Gym said its the plan most beginners get in order to achieve a certain level of fitness before continuing with specific and harder workouts, but I still would like to know what people on here think of it and if its fine this way:

All of them are 3 sets which 15 repeats

    1. Leg Press - 70kg
    1. Prone Leg Curls - 35kg
    1. Leg Press - 40kg
    1. Chest Press - 30kg
    1. Shoulder Press - 15kg
    1. Lat Pulldown - 25kg
    1. Rowing Machine - 27kg
    1. Forearm plank - 3x40 secs

Would be really, really thankful if somebody could help me out, cheers!

submitted by /u/shneezn
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* This article was originally published here

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