Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Moving on from PPL

Did PPL for about 9 months, took 8 months off. Spent the last few weeks on PPL to regain strength. Getting a bit bored of PPL to be honest. I think my main focus right now is mainly strength gains but with a little bit of aesthetics.

Should I move to the nSuns 5/3/1 or incorporate 5/3/1 into main lifts? I think I'm at a point where my nooby gains aren't as great anymore.


  • 5'9", 146lbs
  • 120 Bench 5RM
  • 200 Squat 5RM
  • 245 DL 5RM

Never tried maxing out before so these are my current training numbers.

submitted by /u/deathviahype
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* This article was originally published here

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