Monday, February 17, 2020

Eternal fitness confusion - muscle growth

Right. I have been confused for 10 years about this. First heading I will lay out the worldwide fitness misconceptions that I have been told are debunked. Second heading I will lay out what is supposed to be the truth. Third heading I will highlight my confusion.

Misconceptions debunked: There is no such thing as spot reduction. You can't do 500 crunches a day to get abs. Only certain athletes need to do that as part of conditioning for their sport. Likewise, there is no such thing as spot muscle growth. You can't do endless curls to get big biceps. However, the majority of people believe both of these things to be true.

The truth: You need to get a low body fat percentage to show off muscles. You grow muscles through lifting and eating enough protein to "fill in" the tears in muscle fibres obtained from lifting. New lifters avail of "noob gains" which is where new lifters progress rapidly because what they're actually training is their Central nervous system adaptability.

My confusion: Why do bodybuilders do high reps to grow certain muscles? Why has my body definitely changed since I started lifting and rock climbing if I have never pushed past noob gains? I have never lost enough weight to go back into "gains mode". I've always constantly be trying to cut or just not being concious of what I'm eating. However, my body has definitely changed in line with my strength (I was very weak before).

I certainly know spot reduction isn't real but I am confused as to how I went from twig send to big arms over the years of getting into fitness. I could never do pull ups 4 years ago and do them regularly now and my arms have gotten bigger and veiny. But how?

I am not humble bragging, I am just confused. I never set out to "look better" by exercising and so it is a bonus. I'm guessing some of it has to do with better posture, mobility, healthy glow, some small degree of weight loss... Maybe some pump on the arms giving the veiny appearance?

submitted by /u/PENFpenf
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* This article was originally published here

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