Sunday, February 16, 2020

How far am I from developing / how should I go about developing a physique like this?

I think my frame is roughly similar to the picture on the right; I specifically am interested in developing a core like that.

I've heard over and over again that 80% of abs are made in the kitchen and not at the gym. I'm pretty satisfied with how much I am currently able to lift, so if my rate at which my lifts increase slow down because I need to cut down a few percentage of body fat I'm more than willing to do that. I have an app that I use to track my caloric intake, I'm eating about 2000-2500 calories per day depending on if I skip breakfast.

Can you recommend specific exercises that I can do to develop that lower v shape and upper part (beneath the pecks). I'm sorry if my terminology is terrible, I need to do my reading haha.

My current ab routine is pretty simple. I do a 5 minute core workout every day (at the end of whatever other workout i'm doing): 30 leg raises, 30 raised leg circles in each direction, a two minute plank (sometimes weighted, but usually not), and I lay on my back and hold a 20 pound dumbbell up for a minute. Sometimes I'll do leg raises on a flat bench, but only maybe once a week. I also run about 2 miles a day (to and from the gym).

My diet is pretty clean for the most part. Breakfast for the most part consists of 3 hard boiled eggs, toast with peanut butter and a cup of milk. Lunch is a turkey sandwich with a lot of vegetables and a lot of turkey, dinner I usually make a chicken stir fry with white rice. I try to snack on fruit and nuts for the most part. I cheat sometimes, but I think I would consider my diet pretty clean.

I'm 19 years old, 6'2, I bulked a little bit recently but I've been cutting down, so I'm right around 175lbs.

tldr; I'm tryna get a nice 6 pack, and I think I have the abs, I just need to figure out to bring them out, so how do you reccomend I go about that?

Also do you think I'm close to that physique or am I just boosting my ego by making the comparison?

submitted by /u/Spicymeataballa1231
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* This article was originally published here

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