Friday, April 17, 2020

A few questions I've wanted to ask for awhile

These questions hopefully are not amateur questions, I wouldn't know tbh. First, I am a 26 year old man. 5 foot 9 inches, 132 pounds. I was at about 170 pounds last year at this time. Now that I have lost weight I am trying to gain a little more muscle but I fear that in order to gain muscle I will have to accept gaining some fat back which I do not want to do. Is there anyway to maintain a 1800 calorie a day plan (this is my calorie count to stay where I am at) and gain muscle especially in the butt, thighs, lower legs, arms, pecs etc or is this totally impossible unless I up the calorie intake to upwards of 2,300 a day?

For a more detailed history of me in case it helps: I have had Invisalign since February 2019 and because we must wear the aligners for 22 hours a day it somewhat has helped me the past year to loose weight because I legit cannot take them out whenever I want for food, I am down to (usually) only eating one meal a day. I am beginning to think of cutting my one meal down to 1,600 calories and taking a quick half hour break from the Invisalign before bed and consuming a 200 calorie meal supplement shake if you people on here agree with this? I'm drinking tons of water a day and this helps with suppressing hunger as you all probably know already. I am aiming for a thin but somewhat muscular look, not mr universe but somewhat similar to the "surfer" body. I legit feel like my muscles get bigger and then smaller/lessen in volume because I am not taking in enough calories.

submitted by /u/Sam__93__
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* This article was originally published here

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