Friday, May 1, 2020

Do YouTube bodyweight routines actually do anything?

18F and 117 lbs, i decided to try and improve my fitness level during quarantine. I'm already running 30 mi/week minimum and eating healthier, so right now I'm trying to focus on improving my muscle definition.

You see all these fitness Youtubers like Blogilates, Chloe Ting, Pamela Reif, etc pushing these 10-15 minute bodyweight routines. They seem to be very popular especially among women and teen girls but I have no idea if they are actually effective.

Obviously any type of exercise won't hurt, but will these actually build muscle or change your appearance any? I'm at home and I only have resistance bands and the internet at my disposal equipment-wise, so I'm looking for effective ways to develop my physique and I'm just skeptical of the claim that 10 min/day of basically crunches and planks will tone your abs or that 100 donkey kicks and glute bridges will grow your glutes.

submitted by /u/100percenthomo
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* This article was originally published here

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