Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Started doing a full body routine, decent results but feel tired as hell all the time

So as the title implies, I started this new full body routine which I do 3 times a week, you can see it in its entirety here -

I found it on Reddit and it seemed really good. I have been trying to workout for a few years now but I always had shitty results even after a longer time. With this routine though, Im pretty sure this is the first time I ever actually started my newbie gain phase, because in about just 4 weeks of this routine and agressive progressive overloading I already surpassed all of my previous numbers, which often took me months to get to (again).

My problem right now is, that when I come home and the day after, I feel extremely exhausted and sleepy, pretty much constantly. I get enough sleep and try to eat as much protein as I can (I weigh 80kg so Im tring to hit around 100g per day). I eat quite a bit of carbohydrate shitty food, so I dont really know.

Is this lethargy normal? Will it go away, or do you just get used to it?

submitted by /u/r679976
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* This article was originally published here

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