Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hanging Shoulders

Hi all,

So i've been training for 7 months now and one thing I noticed is that my shoulders hang to the front. That's probably from bad posture over the years I know. I don't like the look of it if I watch in the mirror.

If I don't wear a shirt, I pull back my shoulders and push my chest out without thinking twice because it just looks way better. But the problem is, the day after I walked with my shoulders back, I get inflammation on my shoulders/neck/arm etc. I've tried excerices to pull back my shoulders but everytime I tried that after a week or so i had to quite because everyday I felt like shit with all the inflammation going on because of it.

It seems like my body isn't used to having my shoulders pushed back or something, it feels so unnaterual and forced.

It's hard to push through because I never have pain or inflammation if I just let my shoulders 'hang' like I did all these years before. So it's like, maybe I should just let it be, or should I push through with the excercises and be in ''pain'' for a couple of weeks before things get better? How does this work? Any of you that had this problem as well?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Maatekebruur
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* This article was originally published here

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