Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Are SS/Stronglifts etc. enough? (beginner)

Hi all,

Is SS/Stronglifts, etc. those sort of beginner compound programmes enough? They seem quite... light on intensity and length to me (but what do I know). I will also add that they seem pretty heavy on the lower body and relatively light on the upper.

I've been going to the gym about 5x a week, doing a semi random disordered set of exercises (mostly dumbells, kettlebells and a few bar exercsies) and doing a middle distance cycle about 1x a week and generally doing a lot more movement in general in the last month, I'm losing fat like nobody's business (about 1.9kg/week so far). Intention is to keep up the fat loss for another 10kg or so (72kg target) and then go ham on strength building.

I'm coming from a position of ignorance really, the beginner compound regimes just don't look... exhausting enough to me. Are they partially weighted toward getting people in the habit of doing exercise and not scaring them off on day 1, or am I just wrong?

edit: I've just noticed you have a wiki with an article on this

submitted by /u/AlcoholicAxolotl
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* This article was originally published here

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