Tuesday, November 3, 2020

22 Months of training (Aged 29 Currented)


Always been pretty lean, developed a gut and simply started to go to the gym just to lose my belly.


  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 175cm (5ft9)
  • Weight: 176lb

Image from 4 Months in till the Present (22 Months after)




  • Caloric intake: ~2300 calories
  • Macros: ~200 grams of protein, ~ 170 grams of carbs, ~ 30 grams of fat

I eat a lot of protein to stay satiated, carbs for energy and fat is needed. I intend to increase my fats uptake.

I think I am somewhat in maintenance, thinking of increasing caloric intake, but not too sure. I am still educating myself on how to better improve.

Workout Routine

I train to be as safe as possible and prioritise form over everything. I don't go for maxes, rarely ever do. I track my progress in order to be able to numerically implement progressive overload and see my progress from workout to workout.

I have a Push, Pull and Leg split and rest the following day, then repeat.

My philosophy is basically go heavy initially to quickly induce fatigue then relatively lower weights to safely push to failure and beyond.

  • Push Routine: Bench press (80kg for 13 reps), Dumbbell Press (28kg for 11 reps) , Dumbbell Incline (24kg for 9 reps), Dips (70kg for 20 reps) , Triceps Pulls (weight at gym inconsistent... 15 reps) and Bicep Curls (18kg for 7 reps each arm) and 3 sets of each.
  • Pull Routine: Deadlift (100kg for 8 reps), Pull Ups/Trying to do more Chin-ups (13 reps bodyweight), Lat Pulls (45kg for 12 reps), Side Lats (Shoulders - I don't pay them enough attention, but tend to easily feel pain there 37kg for 9 reps).
  • Legs: Squats (70kg for 9 reps), Leg Press (109kg for 18 reps), Leg Extension (69.4kg for 14 reps), Hamstring Curls (45kg for 12).

Did a 100kg on the bench for 7 reps once, but since then, it's 6 consistently. Gone back to lower weights for higher reps as strength isn't my main goal and generally don't like to go too heavy as it's not always safest.


  1. Kre-Alkalyn (Creatine Monohydrate better scientific back up, but I feel stronger on Kre... may be placebo)
  2. Omega 3s
  3. Vitamin D
  4. L-Citrulline

Self-Assessment and Goals

Lots to improve on fore sure, but I will slowly gain more experience and learn from others as time passes.

Really dislike my back, lacks width, but will look to implement more exercises and do more research.

Not in a rush and intend to just go at my own pace and enjoy the journey.

Never ever look at Instagram pictures as they're unrealistic and just want to progress as far as my genetics allows even though I started at a pretty late age imo.

Hope there are more gains in the next 2-3 years, but worst case scenario, I'm content.

submitted by /u/HPsyche
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* This article was originally published here

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