Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Collapsing" in the strict situp (and other areas of core weakness) - How do I attack this?

Over the past few years I've been dealing with some sporadic back pain which has recently become a little more "nagging" due to the increased sitting in the work-from-home environment I find myself in.

No radiating pain or symptoms of sciatica; localized only to the area right around my SI joint in the lower-left part of my back.

In recent months I've invested in a standing desk and try to move around as much as possible during the day, including buying a new mattress that is firmer and I've noticed some moderate improvement just with those lifestyle/environmental changes alone.

As for the skeletomuscular analysis- X-ray results show a good amount of compression in my L5, but according to MRI results, no bulge or slip in the disc.

To this point, I've identified some major weakness in my core and glutes, in additon to tight/short hamstrings so the medical professionals that I have visited I need to get my trunk stable to minimize the risk of re-aggravating the situation.

As I've been working with a PT to find more strength/stability in the core and my glutes, we've seen my hips are anteriorly rotated so my back arches a slight bit when laying flat.

Adding all this up with the compressed L5, I think I have lower crossed syndrome.

Which leads me to this observation while doing situps strict and/or eccentric (negative) situps: Completely "articulating the spine" all the way up or down for a full sit up is just impossible without any help/resistance. Is this normal for someone with a weak core?

Basically when I get to about the 40 degree mark (just over halfway back down) I just lose the contraction/bracing/tuck or whatever and collapse to the floor.

So, as in the title, how do I address this? I'm looking into the Janda situp which supposedly removes the likelihood of recruiting from the hip flexors and low back to perform the situp in addition to building strength in the transverse abdominis which I think is really weak as well.

submitted by /u/Seastep
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* This article was originally published here

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